LOTE Spanish 613 Pedagogy Only Course
Are you frustrated by the LOTE, especially the pedagogy? Do you need to learn second language acquisition experts, the 5 C's, and ACTFL guidelines? Enroll for just $49/month, or $99 for a year!
Competency 001: Language-Learning Theories
Important Vocabulary
FREE PREVIEWInterlanguage Development
Cognitive Processing Theories
Language Learning Theories
Learning Styles and Lesson Planning
Factors Affecting Second Language Acquisition
Designing Instruction for All Students
FREE PREVIEWForeign Language Programs
Theories and Lesson Plans
Prior Knowledge and Home Background
Competency 001 Quiz
FREE PREVIEWCompetency 002: Using Second-Language Acquisition Theories, Practices
Meeting the Needs of All Learners
FREE PREVIEWUsing Assessments to Identify Students' Needs
Metacognitive Strategies
Age and Level Appropriate Activities
Comprehensible Input
Stages of Language Learning
FREE PREVIEWCompetency 002 Quiz
Competency 003: Using the TEKS to Foster Students' Communication in Spanish
Interpersonal Communication
Interpretive Communication
Helping Students Improve Their Communication
Practices, Products, and Perspectives
Comparing Cultures and Languages
Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences
Connecting Classroom Learning to Real World Experiences
Extracurricular Activities
The 5 C's
Competency 003 Quiz
Extra Quiz for the 5 C's
Final LOTE Pedagogy Test
Learn How to Write an Effective Lesson Plan