Course curriculum

  • 1

    Domain 1 - Listening Comprehension

    • Listening Comprehension on the BTLPT Exam

    • Listening Comprehension Directions

    • Listening Comprehension - Audio File - Task 1

    • Preview the First Four Listening Comprehension Questions

    • Listen to Audio File - Task 1 - Again

    • Question 1 - From Listening Comprehension Task 1

    • Question 2 - From Listening Comprehension Task 1

    • Question 3 - From Listening Comprehension Task 1

    • Question 4 - From Listening Comprehension Task 1

    • Listening Comprehension - Audio File - Task 2

    • Preview Questions 5 through 8 for Listening Comprehension Task 2

    • Listen to Audio File - Task 2 - Again

    • Question 5 - From Listening Task 2

    • Question 6 - From Listening Task 2

    • Question 7 - From Listening Task 2

    • Question 8 - From Listening Task 2

    • Listening Comprehension - Audio File - Task 3

    • Preview Questions 9 through 12 for Listening Comprehension Task 3

    • Listen to Audio File - Task 3 - Again

    • Question 9 - From Listening Task 3

    • Question 10 - From Listening Task 3

    • Question 11 - From Listening Task 3

    • Question 12 - From Listening Task 3

    • Listening Comprehension - Task 4

    • Preview Questions 13-16 for Listening Comprehension Task 4

    • Listen to Task 4 Again

    • Question 13 - Listening Task 4

    • Question 14 - Listening Task 4

    • Questions 15 and 16 - Listening Task 4

    • Listening Comprehension - Task 5

    • Preview Questions 17-20

    • Listening to Task 5 Again

    • Question 17

    • Question 18

    • Question 19

    • Question 20

  • 2

    Domain 2 - Reading Comprehension

    • Reading Comprehension on the BTLPT Exam

    • Reading Passage 1 and Preview Questions

    • Reading Passage 1 Quiz

    • Reading Passage 2

    • Reading Passage 2 Quiz

    • Reading Passage 3

    • Reading Passage 3 Quiz

    • Reading Passage 4

    • Reading Passage 4 Quiz

    • Reading Passage 5 and Preview Questions

    • Reading Passage 5 Quiz

    • Reading Passage 6 and Preview Questions

    • Reading Passage 6 Quiz

    • Reading Passage 7 and Preview Questions

    • Reading Passage 7 Quiz

    • Reading Passage 8 and Preview Questions

    • Reading Passage 8 Quiz

    • Reading Passage 9 Quiz

    • Reading Passage 9 Quiz

    • Reading Passage 10 and Preview Questions

    • Reading Passage 10 Quiz

    • Reading Passage 11 and Preview Questions

    • Reading Passage 11 Quiz

  • 3

    Domain 3 - Oral Expression

    • Oral Expression on the BTLPT Exam

    • Oral Expression - Simulated Conversation

    • Simulated Conversation - Upload Your Response

    • Oral Expression - Question and Answer Instructions and Scenario

    • Oral Expression - Question 1

    • Oral Expression - Question 1 Upload Your Response

    • Oral Expression - Question 2

    • Oral Expression - Question 2 Upload Your Response

    • Oral Expression - Oral Presentation Instructions and Scenario

    • Oral Presentation - Upload Your Response

    • Oral Expression - Express an Opinion or Position

    • Express an Opinion - Upload Your Response

  • 4

    Domain 4 - Written Expression

    • Written Expression on the BTLPT Exam

    • Accent Marks

    • Tips to Write an Effective Response to a Memo, Email, or Letter

    • Prompt 1 - Response to an Email

    • Example 1 of a Response to an Email that Would Earn a Perfect Score

    • Response to Email Upload Your Assignment

    • Prompt 1 - Opinion/Position Essay

    • Example 1 of a Response to an Opinion/Essay that Would Earn a Perfect Score

    • Opinion/Position Essay Upload Your Assignment

    • Lesson Plan Directions

    • Tips to Write an Effective Lesson Plan for the BTLPT Spanish Exam

    • BTLPT Lesson Plan Prompt and Sample Lesson Plan

    • Upload Your Lesson Plan