Course curriculum
Important Resources
Competency 001
Competency 001 Presentation
A. Historical Background
B. Language Proficiency Assessment Committee- LPAC
C. Bilingual education
D. Additive educational program
E. Bilingual education program
F. Bilingual education
H. Instructional strategies and activities
I. Bilingual learning environment
J. Bilingualism and biculturalism
Competency 002
Competency 002 Presentation
A. Linguistic concepts in L1 and L2
B. Major language components
C. The stages of language development for L1 and L2
D. Language development theories/models and linguistic concepts
E. First and second language acquisition
F. Appropriate and effective strategies and methodologies to teach English as a Second Language (ESL)
G. Social factors that affect L2 acquisition (second language acquisition)
Competency 003
Competency 003 Presentation
A. Effective instruction that addresses the state standards (TEKS)
B. Types of formal and informal assessments in L1
C. Reading/language arts state educator certification standards for EC-12 (early childhood or Pre-K through 12th Grade)
D. The statewide Spanish language arts and reading curriculum for grades EC-6 (early childhood or Pre-K through 6th Grade)
E. How to help students transfer literacy skills/ literacy competency from L1 to L2
F. How to use linguistic concepts, such as comprehensible input
G. How to foster students' biliteracy
Competency 004
Competency 004 Presentation
A. How to monitor and assess bilingual students' development of CALP
B. How to design meaningful and authentic learning activities and experiences in both L1 and L2
C. Strategies for integrating language arts skills in L1 and L2 into all content areas
E. How to differentiate content area instruction according to students' needs and language proficiency levels in L2
Final Exam
Final Exam